Discover the Exhibition


Through the exhibition ‘‘Yakushima, the Mystic Island’’, Harumi Klossowska de Rola invites us to discover an esoteric art, between dream and reality, at the crossroads of Egyptian, Japanese and Etruscan statuary. She captures the subtle beauty, danger, aura and mystery of wild animals, delicately diffusing a sensation of rare power.

Along her trajectory as a sculptor, Harumi has never ceased to recognize this deep emotion that she combines admirably with a fascination for flora and fauna cultivated from a young age.

Thus, the discovery of her bestiary is a magical moment teeming with profound emotion.

These sculptures, beyond the limits of time, seem to us strangely familiar, like so many of the treasures arising from our collective subconscious, conferring a character of absolute universality to these mystical animals.
Their apparent immobility is only an illusion: at any moment, Ame-no-Kaku, the monumental stag, appears to take up his sovereign march once more through the ancient forest.


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